We are finally married! I can't wait to get the pictures back from the wedding so I can post them...but until then, here is some honeymoon picutres!
We stayed at a a little condo right on the beach in Hawaii.
We could walk out of our back porch door and be in the sand!
Look how huge this turtle is! Braden always had us stop at this
beach, just to see if there were any sea turtles out! We got to swim with some too.
To me, this was my favorite part. We stayed in this super long line everyday at Matusumoto's for 30 minutes, just to get a shaved ice. It was so fun! And so good! Our last day, we stood in the line twice!
I got 19 and Braden got 26! We were itching all night long!
We got to see lots of trees and flowers though, so it was all worth it.